Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
2025 Classes and Staff
Principal: Mrs N Dennaoui
Deputy Principals: Mrs S Becker (M,T&Th) & Ms A Petereit (Rel. DP - W&F); Mrs D Wajzer
Assistant Principals (Curriculum and Instruction): Ms A Petereit (M,T&Th) & Ms F Mazzetti
Assistant Principal (Wellbeing & Inclusion): Mrs K Angus (W-F)
Early Stage One - Kindergarten
KB - Ms H Bui
KC - Ms C McGann
KM - Mrs M Misitano
KSL - Mrs C Sheehan (Early Stage 1 Assistant Principal, M-Th) & Ms K Tu (F)
Stage One - Years 1 & 2
Year 1
1M - Mr M Morris
1Q - Ms A Quang
1TL - Mrs R Lavender (M-T) & Mrs J Tan (W-F)
1/2A - Mrs A Mastroieni
Year 2
2C - Ms J Chahine
2H - Mrs J Hormis (Stage 1 Assistant Principal)
2M - Mrs M Ahmed
2T - Mrs T Allen
Stage Two - Years 3 & 4
Year 3
3A - Ms R Alvis
3J - Mrs J Samperi
3KS - Ms K Morris (M) & Mrs S Sebastian (T-F)
3MW - Mrs J Manuele (M-W) & Mrs H Win (Th-F)
Year 4
4K - Miss V Koodrin (Stage 2 Assistant Principal)
4N - Ms H Nguyen
4P - Mr T Platt
4T - Mr J Tran
Stage Three - Years 5 & 6
Year 5
5A - Ms M Amor
5G - Mrs M Gideon
5L - Miss T Le
5M - Miss S Manderson
Year 6
5/6R - Ms R Beaumont (Opportunity Class)
6B - Mr T Burton
6C - Ms C Huynh
6D - Mr D Nguyen (Stage 3 Assistant Principal)
6H - Mrs T Do-Higgins
Support Unit
K/6C - Ms M Ciampa
K/6GO - Mrs P Gullo (Support Unit Assistant Principal, M-T) & Ms J Oselli (W-F)
2/6S - Mrs F Sar
SLSO - Ms L Mai
SLSO - Mrs S White
SLSO - Ms N Francese
Ms J Angelis (Assistant Principal)
Mrs E Fox
SLSO - Ms A Baltazar
SLSO - Ms T Pham
SLSO - Ms L Ngo
Mrs A Grujcic - Teacher Librarian
Learning and Support
- Ms N Barahona
- Mrs D Tran
- Mrs G Wedgwood (Attendance & Social Media Officer)
- Mrs K Culic (Reading SLSO, W-F)
- Ms L Ngo (Reading SLSO, W-F)
EAL/D Support
Mrs D Golub (M, T, Th&F)
Mrs T Gynn (M-Th)
Mrs A Norton (IT Coordinator)
Mrs M O’Sullivan
Mrs P Prasad
Curriculum Reform Release
- Mr T Spratt (M-T)
- Ms K Tu (Th)
- Mrs H Win (W)
Community Languages
- Chinese - Ms A Hearn
- Chinese - Mr D Springall
- Vietnamese - Ms J Nguyen (T-W)
- Vietnamese - Mrs H Vo
- Vietnamese - Ms N Vuong
- Vietnamese - Ms J Nguyen (M&W)
- Vietnamese - Mr E Liu
- Japanese - Ms S Cheon (T&W)
- Khmer - Mrs S Ly (M-W, &F) from Semester 2 2025
School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs)
- Mrs K Heng
- Mrs V Milenkovic (M-W)
- Ms T Phan (M-Th)
- Mrs S Stewart
- Ms S Trieu (M-T)
Counsellors/School Psychologist
- Mrs K Parmenter (M&T, and Th of odd weeks)
- Ms J Diamaano (Th&F)
- Mr V Kumar (W)
Community Liaison Officers (CLOs)
- Mrs M Tran
- Mrs R Quach (T&W)
School Administration Staff
- Mrs V Head - R/Business Manager
- Mrs L Jonson - SAM
- Mrs P Adams
- Mrs S Crouch (Th)
- Mrs L Dunn (T&W)
- Ms C Nguyen - Library & Events Support
- Ms L Perez
General Assistant
Mr G Moussa