Harrington Street Public School was established in 1962. The school is located at Cabramatta West and is part of the South Western Sydney Region. Over 91% of students are from language backgrounds other than English.
Staff are highly trained and committed to continual improvement. Parents are valued partners in determining school priorities.
The school continues to have a proud history of academic success and student self-discipline. Strong student welfare programs and sport and cultural initiatives support a balanced approach to lifelong learning. Core values of the school include integrity, excellence, respect, responsibility, co-operation, participation, care, fairness and democracy.
In addition to the six Key Learning Areas, students have access to a range of programs including English as a Second Language; and Community Language (Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and Khmer).
Three classes to support students with intellectual disabilities and a composite 5/6 Opportunity Class (OC) for gifted and talented students are available through regional and state enrolment processes.